I’m walking beside still waters; the pasture is green and the water is fine
I don’t have a worry in the world; ‘cause You are my God and I am Your child
I will not fear the evil for you are with me through the valley of the shadow of death
Your voice and your staff they comfort me leading me on the paths of righteousness
O The Lord is my Shepherd—my cup overflows
God, You are my Savior—You’re making me whole—You restore my soul—You’re making me whole
His table is set before me; my Shepherd prepares a bountiful feast.
Though I am the least He pours the oil over me and washes my feet
The enemy hoard is swirling around and above to menace my peace
But here at the banquet it’s the eye of the storm serenity’s lease
O The Lord is my Shepherd—my cup overflows
God, You are my Savior—You’re making me whole—You restore my soul—You’re making me whole
And I shall dwell in the House of the Lord forever
For Your Goodness and Mercy is bringing your sheep together