KC had a baby boy, her heart was filled with joy, and she had the family of her dreams

But, in the twinkling of an eye her body couldn’t stem the tide the stroke impaled her perfect scene


And she cried…and she cried…and she asked why a thousand times

But she stood with faith amidst the fear and her Savior holds her tears


Wipes and Diapers, Thomas trains, the crib was up the room arranged and Precious couldn’t wait to meet her son.

But suddenly the movement stopped and with it ceased his beating heart, this stillness shakes a storm in her soul


And she cried…and she cried…and she asked why a thousand times

But she stood with faith amidst the fear and her Savior holds her tears


More than any other thing Linda wanted just to sing a lullaby to calm an infant one

But tests began to make it clear and surgeries confirmed the fear that infertility the battle won


And she cried…and she cried…and she asked why a thousand times

But she stood with faith amidst the fear and her Savior holds her tears



And every teardrop in His hands is a seed sown deep in sacred land

Now through the eyes faith they see what His grace transformed those tears to be


*KC and her husband Nick adopted two more children and you would swear that they were there’s by flesh and blood.

No shortage of activity in Mark and Precious home you see His plan was 9 & O their quiver’s full

And it took a trip Africa for Al and Linda to complete the Home the family with seven she has sung to sleep


And they cry with joy they cry…and give thanks a thousand times

For They stood with Faith amidst the tears…And the Beauty of His plan is clear…and our Savior holds our tears